
Sunday, January 23, 2011


Well today is the day I am finally going to start the blog I have been thinking about for so long.  Hopefully someone will eventually read it!  I am a 47 year old nurse who works as a hospital administrator. I run a large cancer clinic and spend much of my time in personnel management and operational issues associated with having 78 employees and 200+ patients per day that rely on me!  Despite the rewards of being a nurse and all the passion and reward that implies, somehow I have lost the real zest for the work. To manage the stress I have a long time love for running...okay really just jogging... yoga, and cooking.

Through yoga I met someone who introduced me to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition
a wonderful school in New York City.  The timing was perfect and I enrolled in their distance learning program, and am almost finished -  soon to be a full-fledged Holistic Health Counselor.  I have found a new passion!  I started my business, Catherine Craig Health Counseling.  You can find my website at I work with women, who like me, have spent years confused about what to eat to be healthy and find a happy weight. I have always latched on to whatever the latest news blurb was protein, eat low fat, South Beach, Weight Watchers, Atkins, Schwartzbein, China Study, Belly Fat Cure....yes the list goes on and on. Clearly that latest thing had to be the answer! Little did I know/realize that the media and the hype is about making money and selling books or special products.   I am finally figuring it all out....

Eat real food!  Eat when you're hungry.  Figure out when and why you are eating if you aren't hungry. Sleep enough. Be active.  Find an exercise you like and do it! Find love with your family, your friends, your job...
Yes it all sounds easy, and it can be hard or it can be second nature.  I am working on the second, and although I am not perfect I am doing pretty well.  I am starting this blog so I can not only support my clients, but to reach other women in the same boat or struggling to get on board.  Together we will work it through so we can all live a happy and long life!  So please join me in this journey, to eat well and live fully!

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